Life Lately

Things have been pretty quiet around here, in large part because last week I was single-Momming it while the hubby was away on a business trip. Abby was a darling and I couldn’t have asked for a more cooperative companion. She was thrilled to tell anyone and everyone that Daddy was traveling on an “airpwane” up North where he was going to see “polar bears.” It nearly melted my heart when she started diligently rummaging (all on her own accord) at the library one evening, only to come running over – excited and proud – because she had managed to unearth a book with a picture of polar bears. I know I might be a bit biased, but wowzers – this kid is smart.


It ended up being a good week – we painted a piece of artwork for Daddy (pictures to come later; she loved the experience) and we read books and made forts. We had friends come over for supper (who brought both the meal and dessert – yes, we have great friends), and I even had another mom stop by for a late-night-movie-and-chat. We went about our normal routines of Bible Study and library outings, played in the yard, and went to church. There were no car accidents or major computer malfunctions.

But my goodness was I relieved to see that taxi pull in to the yard. Homecomings are just awesome. Something is always a bit off kilter in our universe when the hubby’s not home. This week I’m happy to report the axis is once again properly aligned and spinning ’round the sun.


Aside from relief that our wee family is reunited, I’m also starting to process the fact that, in just over two weeks time, we’ll have a two-year old in the house. I hope to put down a few thoughts on parenting, motherhood, and just how in love we are with this little girl in the next few weeks.


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